If you have ⁤a‍ junk car taking⁢ up ​valuable space in your garage or driveway in Winnebago, ⁣IL, it may be time to​ consider selling it. Letting go of your ​old vehicle not only frees up space but ‌can also put some extra cash in your pocket. At EZ Car Cash, we are here⁢ to guide you ‍through the process of selling⁣ your junk⁢ car hassle-free and at ‌the ⁤best⁣ possible⁢ price.


When ⁢it comes to selling your junk car in Winnebago, IL, there are a⁣ few important steps to keep in⁣ mind. Firstly, you’ll want to gather all the​ relevant information⁢ about your ⁤car,‌ including its make,⁣ model, year, and condition. This information​ will help us provide you⁣ with an‌ accurate​ quote for your ​vehicle. Next, give us a ​call‌ at ​877-345-3559 to speak with one of our friendly representatives who will guide you ⁣through‌ the⁤ rest of‍ the process. We can provide you with a custom quote‍ based on the‍ details you provide. Once‍ you accept our ⁢offer, we will arrange a convenient ⁢time to ⁢come to your location and inspect‍ the vehicle. If ⁢everything checks‌ out, we’ll make ⁣sure you receive your payment in ⁢cash on the​ spot!