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Selling Your Car to a Junkyard: A Helpful Guide

Selling Your Car to a Junkyard: A Helpful Guide

If you have an old, damaged, or unwanted car taking up space in your driveway, selling it to a junkyard may be a practical solution. In this guide, we will offer you useful tips and insights on how to navigate the process of selling your car to a junkyard. From finding the right junkyard to getting the best price for your vehicle, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. So, if you’re ready to turn that eyesore into cash, keep reading for a helpful guide on how to successfully sell your car to a junkyard.

Table of Contents

Researching Local Junkyards in Your Area

Researching Local Junkyards in Your Area

When selling your car to a junkyard, it’s important to research local options in your area to ensure you get the best deal possible. Here are some tips to help you in your search:

  • Start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or local mechanics who may have experience with reputable junkyards.
  • Utilize online resources such as Google Maps or Yelp to find junkyards near you and read reviews from past customers to gauge their reputation.
  • Call multiple junkyards to compare offers and services, making sure to inquire about towing fees, required paperwork, and payment methods.

Before making a decision, be sure to visit the junkyard in person to verify their legitimacy and inspect their facilities. Look for a clean and organized yard, as well as knowledgeable and friendly staff. Remember, selling your car to a junkyard should be a hassle-free experience, so choose a reputable and trustworthy business like EZ Car Cash for a seamless transaction. Contact us today at 877-345-3559 for a top dollar quote and quick cash payment!

Preparing Your Car for Sale to a Junkyard


Preparing Your Car for Sale to a Junkyard

When preparing to sell your car to a junkyard, there are a few key steps you can take to ensure a smooth and profitable transaction.

  • Remove Personal Items: Before selling your car, be sure to thoroughly check the interior for any personal items such as sunglasses, CDs, or important documents. You wouldn’t want to accidentally discard something valuable!
  • Gather Important Documents: Make sure you have the title of the car as well as any other necessary paperwork ready for the sale. This will make the process much easier and faster.
  • Drain Fluids: Before sending your car off to the junkyard, it’s important to drain all the fluids such as oil, gas, and coolant. This will make it easier and safer for the junkyard to process the car.

Additionally, consider removing any valuable parts from your car before selling it to the junkyard. Items such as tires, rims, or stereo systems may be worth more money if sold separately.

Valuable Parts Potential Value
Tires $100
Rims $50
Stereo System $75

Getting the Best Price for Your Junk Car

Getting the Best Price for Your Junk Car

When selling your car to a junkyard, it’s important to do your research and get the best price possible. Here are some helpful tips to ensure you get the most money for your junk car:

  • Shop around and get quotes from multiple junkyards to compare prices.
  • Make sure to have all the necessary paperwork ready, including the title of the car.
  • Consider selling valuable parts separately to maximize your profit.

At EZ Car Cash, we make selling your junk car easy and convenient. Our team offers top dollar for all types of vehicles, regardless of their condition. Contact us today at 877-345-3559 for a quick and hassle-free transaction.

Finalizing the Sale and Paperwork

Finalizing the Sale and Paperwork

Once you’ve agreed on a price with EZ Car Cash and are ready to sell your car to us, there are a few important steps to follow to finalize the sale and complete the necessary paperwork.

  • Sign the Title: Make sure to sign the title of the car over to EZ Car Cash. If you have any questions about this process, feel free to ask our staff for assistance.
  • Complete the Bill of Sale: We will provide you with a bill of sale to fill out. This document is important for both parties and serves as a legal contract for the sale of the car.
  • Provide Necessary Documentation: Be prepared to provide a valid ID and any other documentation requested by EZ Car Cash to complete the sale.

Document Details
Title Must be signed over to EZ Car Cash.
Bill of Sale Completed by both parties.
Valid ID Required for sale completion.


Q: What is a junkyard and why would someone consider selling their car to one?
A: A junkyard is a business that buys old or damaged vehicles for scrap metal or parts. If your car is no longer drivable or not worth repairing, selling it to a junkyard can be a quick and easy way to get rid of it.

Q: How do I find a reputable junkyard to sell my car to?
A: Look for junkyards in your area that are licensed and insured. You can also ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have sold cars to junkyards in the past.

Q: What information do I need to provide when selling my car to a junkyard?
A: You will need to provide the junkyard with the make, model, year, and condition of your car. They may also ask for the vehicle identification number (VIN) and any relevant documents such as the title or registration.

Q: How much money can I expect to get for my car from a junkyard?
A: The amount you can get for your car will depend on its condition, make and model, and the current market value of scrap metal. Be prepared for a lower offer than what you might get from selling it privately.

Q: What should I do before selling my car to a junkyard?
A: Remove any personal belongings from the car and cancel the registration and insurance. You may also want to remove valuable parts or accessories that you can sell separately.

Q: Are there any scams to watch out for when selling my car to a junkyard?
A: Be wary of junkyards that offer to tow your car for free but then lower their offer once they have it in their possession. Always get multiple quotes and read the paperwork carefully before agreeing to sell your car.

The Way Forward

Thank you for reading our helpful guide on selling your car to a junkyard. If you’re ready to get rid of your old, junk, or used car and want to get the best price possible, give EZ Car Cash a call at 877-345-3559. We pay top dollar for all makes and models of vehicles, offer free towing, and have no hidden fees. Trust EZ Car Cash to make the process easy and lucrative for you. Contact us today for a quote and see how much you can get for your car!
